Mitigate Pro is unique. It provides risk professionals with a quantitative way of evaluating risk.
This is both in terms of Urgency to Mitigate as well as Financial Exposure. Financial Exposure is
what proportion of the total cost of the adverse outcome will damage the company. The system does
not solely rely on a red, yellow, or green traffic light system for high, medium, and low risk although
we have retained it to provide continuity from the old to the new system.
This is a corporate enterprise product and is targeted at companies that do more than
keep risk registers for compliance. Usually, there is a Risk Team, and an annual Risk
Budget, often broken down by department and geographically broken down by region. If
a company wants to employ Risk Analyses to help protect and grow their business, this
is probably the best product to use.
Mitigate Pro is not a plug-and-play-type product. It requires a better understanding of
risk for which we have written a specialist training course. Access to this on request.
All our intermediaries are trained on the system and will be able to provide the necessary
hand-holding to get you up and running.
If the understanding of risk has moved on, how will I understand the new thinking?
Ghost Digital & Data has produced a training course, with questions, to impart these new techniques
to Risk professionals. To find out more, send us an email at with”
UTM training course” as the header. We’ll take it from there and discuss how you can gain access
to the course. (Please note it must be a company email address. We will not respond to
Hotmail or Gmail.)
Will my business profit if I trade up to Mitigate Pro?
Mitigate Pro is like nothing that currently exists in the Risk Management arena. Your business will profit more, the bigger your company,
and the larger the sums of money involved in Risk mitigation. Your decisions will be better quantified based both on Urgency to Mitigate
scores and the financial impact of the adverse outcomes.
Can I trial Mitigate Pro before committing to the software?
What we can do is allocate one of our specialist resources to take you through the software and perhaps upload 10 of your risks into
the system and show you the results. Only in this way will you be able to really judge the power of the system. Again, send an email
to with the header “First 10 risks” and we’ll take it over
from there. (Please note it must be a company email address. We will not respond to Hotmail or Gmail.)