Experienced in providing high end risk managment software to clients around the world.

What elevates Mitigate Pro is its unique ability to translate every transaction into money. You will see the total adverse outcome; you will see how much has been mitigated and you will see what the company is still exposed to. All in hard cash.

Endorsed by major law firms

Two of the leading Risk-aware law firms have helped develop this software so that it is as relevant to international corporations as it is to small corporate enterprises. There is simply nothing else like it on the market today.

Take control of the risks to your business

Create & Manage Risk Registers

Create multiple Risk Registers, enabling you to separate
and prioritise your risks by category, sub-category, type,
department, region, country and office.

Prioritise Risks According to Urgency

Arrange your mitigation priorities by using Mitigate Pro's
unique formula to prioritise your risks, ensuring that you
attend to the most urgent mitigations first.

Implement Controls to Reduce Risk

Implement controls to decrease the likelihood, business
impact, or both. This enables you to reduce your company’s
financial exposure to adverse outcomes.

Task Tracking built-in

Within each control, there are sets of tasks, each being
allocated to users. Emails are automatically sent out if
tasks are not done by the due date.

Access Intuitive Risk Dashboards

Topline results are visualised in dashboards, and decisions
can be taken more easily based on the information displayed.
These dashboards are easy to customise and are as useful
to the Board as they are to the Risk Mitigators.

Schedule Risk Reviews

Risks can change over time and UTMs can go up as well
as down. The scheduling system applies the discipline of Risk
Review dates to ensure that information is kept up to date.

What makes Mitigate Pro unique,
comes from an understanding of the UTM

UTM stands for urgency to mitigate and is expressed as an index between 1 and 100. To
demonstrate the concept of a UTM pre- and post-mitigation with its associated mitigation
effectiveness, get one of the Ghost Team to talk you through the UTM Calculator.

The UTM is also the key to understanding financial exposure.

You can equate the reduction in the company exposure from pre- to post-mitigation against
the cost of putting the controls/measures in place

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Mitigate Pro?

Mitigate Pro is unique. It provides risk professionals with a quantitative way of evaluating risk. This is both in terms of Urgency to Mitigate as well as Financial Exposure. Financial Exposure is what proportion of the total cost of the adverse outcome will damage the company. The system does not solely rely on a red, yellow, or green traffic light system for high, medium, and low risk although we have retained it to provide continuity from the old to the new system.

Which companies do Mitigate Pro target?

This is a corporate enterprise product and is targeted at companies that do more than keep risk registers for compliance. Usually, there is a Risk Team, and an annual Risk Budget, often broken down by department and geographically broken down by region. If a company wants to employ Risk Analyses to help protect and grow their business, this is probably the best product to use.

Who will support me and how much support will I get?

Mitigate Pro is not a plug-and-play-type product. It requires a better understanding of risk for which we have written a specialist training course. Access to this on request. All our intermediaries are trained on the system and will be able to provide the necessary hand-holding to get you up and running.

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If the understanding of risk has moved on, how will I understand the new thinking?

Ghost Digital & Data has produced a training course, with questions, to impart these new techniques to Risk professionals. To find out more, send us an email at enquiries@ghost-digital.com with” UTM training course” as the header. We’ll take it from there and discuss how you can gain access to the course. (Please note it must be a company email address. We will not respond to Hotmail or Gmail.)

Will my business profit if I trade up to Mitigate Pro?

Mitigate Pro is like nothing that currently exists in the Risk Management arena. Your business will profit more, the bigger your company, and the larger the sums of money involved in Risk mitigation. Your decisions will be better quantified based both on Urgency to Mitigate scores and the financial impact of the adverse outcomes.

Can I trial Mitigate Pro before committing to the software?

What we can do is allocate one of our specialist resources to take you through the software and perhaps upload 10 of your risks into the system and show you the results. Only in this way will you be able to really judge the power of the system. Again, send an email to enquiries@ghost-digital.com with the header “First 10 risks” and we’ll take it over from there. (Please note it must be a company email address. We will not respond to Hotmail or Gmail.)

Software Licensing

How many risks can I manage via Mitigate Pro?

There is no hard limit to the number of risks you can manage, whether in total, by department, risk manager, or any other sub-group. The software limit is governed by memory and disk space which is managed by us and so will never cause you a problem.

How many users can access Mitigate Pro?

There is no hard limit to the number of users that connect with Mitigate Pro. The software limit is governed by memory and disk space which is managed by us and so will never cause you a problem.

Can I use Mitigate Pro to manage risks for multiple offices?

Yes. Mitigate Pro works as well for a single office as it does for multiple offices or even a global company. You simply put in the data and filter it by office or indeed any other field that is relevant.


I understand that Mitigate Pro is a SaaS model, but could I deploy it in my own company’s SaaS data centre?

Whilst it is technically feasible, it is highly undesirable because your software will not get updated when we update our cloud, and we will have to deploy changes again in your cloud. So, in short, we would never say never, but mostly we would say “no!”

Can I install Mitigate Pro on my premises and store my data locally?

It is possible but we would only consider under special circumstances and where it makes business sense to do so. The more instances of the software server, the greater the headache of bug fixing and updates.


Is all of my data encrypted at rest?

Yes. All confidential data is encrypted at rest.

Other than my users, will anyone else be able to access my data?

No. Only users with the appropriate access permissions will be able to view your data.

Is Mitigate Pro hosted in a secure data center?

Mitigate Pro is hosted in a secure data center. Details of security are available on request.